Friday, March 11, 2011

"No Witchcraft for Sale"

My response to "No Witchcraft for Sale" by Doris Lessing was that it was clever. I liked it. I like the fact that Gideon did not tell the Farquars and the scientist where the plant was. They would have stripped the plant clean from the country. The fact that he is so protective of his culture amazes me. Gideon was my favorite character. This story showed the devotion that a person has with their culture and is inspiring.


  1. This is a very true and great comment! : ) he was my favorite character too, good perspective Justine!!!

  2. I agree with you!!!!! I like Gideon too.

  3. I Agree with you Justine. I think that it was right of Gideon to not show the family and the doctor where the plant was!!!

  4. Haha thanks great minds think alike = )
